When Credibility Is Not Enough: Fiscal Dominance, Monetary Policy, and Exchange Rates in Early Modern Venice
Institutional design does matter in determining the international credibility of a currency.
Read more...Institutional design does matter in determining the international credibility of a currency.
Read more...Danny Haiphong talks to Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar about hot mulitipolarity topics, particularly BRICS and its “currency” plans
Read more...BRICS is set to add important new members…but will their diversity complicate coming to common policy stances?
Read more...A recent paper in a Russian economics journal confirms that there is no simple way out of the dollar hegemony box.
Read more...Yves here. We’re featuring a post from openDemocracy on Argentina’s primary results that had far-right candidate Javier Milei beating the candidates of the two parties that have been in power for two decades. The post is telling, and not in a good way. Milei does advocate extreme views (not that he can go as far […]
Read more...Yet more evidence that the BRICS aren’t ready to launch a serious anti-dollar/new currency regime.
Read more...ichael Hudson on topics old and new: the role of debt in rentier extraction and US hegemony, and the prosepcts for the dollar and BRICS.
Read more...Individuals can fail upwards, but organizations? NATO not been up to the task of propping up Ukraine, but the US wants to aim it at China.
Read more...Russia is dialing down expectations for big BRICS developments at a late August summit.
Read more...Quelle surprise! China and India have different economic interests, which means they have diverging visions for BRICS development.
Read more...Andrew Korybko explains why the BRICS won’t move as quickly on the new reserve currency projects as enthusiasts suggest.
Read more...We’re late to a story that interestingly has been very much under-reported, perhaps because it is contrary to the anti-globalist narrative….already a minority faction in the Anglosphere. We’ve said for some time that the prospects for replacing the dollar are a long way away, even more so with a newly-created, reserve currency aspirant. Our views […]
Read more...Sadly, some bank-serving fables are very durable, so James Galbraith has (yet another) go at them.
Read more...America is making a mess in trying to preserve its hegemony.
Read more...Brussels’ increasing attacks on the working class mirror decades-long Italian efforts that have caused a collapse in standard of living and trust in the EU.