A New Third World Debt Crisis? The Need for System Change
Emerging economies look to be on the verge of a whole lotta debt hurt. Why does this happen to them so often?
Read more...Emerging economies look to be on the verge of a whole lotta debt hurt. Why does this happen to them so often?
Read more...Michael Hudson gives a globe-spanning look at recent economic and geopolitical events.
Read more...anks and loser clearinghouses are complaining about a (long) planned derivatives relocation to Europe. But is this mainly special pleading?
Read more...Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets explains why crypto is the last place anybody should be running to for safety.
Read more...Engaging in more bilateral trade to bypass the dollar fragments the activities of major international banks and even affects locak players.
Read more...Michael Hudson calls out Krugman for invoking the favorite libertarian trope of hyperinflation.
Read more...The US channels Nora Desmond.
Read more...Martin Guzman explains the role of power in sovereign debt crises and restructurings.
Read more...One of the big selling points of crypto, privacy, is rapidly disappearing.
Read more...A shaggy dog story on trying to get the IRS to accept cash….
Read more...Another tour de force by Michael Hudson on how debt dynamics create oligarcies, how the Fed stoked thebank crisis, and the multipolarity push.
Read more...The Fed has a lot of ‘splaining to do, yet seems determined to keep doing the wrong thing.
Read more...As higher interest rates and inflation hit developing countries, the IMF is trying to use bailout terms to sideline Beijing.
Read more...Another mechanism by which US does harm through our indifference to to the impact of our dollar/interest rate policies on other countries.
Read more...A deep dive on the development of the dollar system.