Category Archives: Currencies

China Moves to Shorter Maturity Treasuries Out of Bond Bubble Worries

The 30 year Treasury bond has fallen from roughly 140 to its current level of 125-ish, so absent an intensification of deflation worries, one might surmise that at least some of the air has come out of the Treasury bond bubble. One might also take the view that the Chinese played this one astutely (or […]


Willem Buiter Argues Against Eurozone Breakup Worries

Predicting the demise, or at least the marginalization of the euro is a popular pastime for some writers (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph, one of our favorite deflationistas, engages in occasional euro-bashing). Similarly, quite a few investors I know think the euro has no hope of serving as a reserve currency. particularly because some eurozone […]


Chinese Central Bank to Test Program to Settle Trade in Yuan Rather Than Dollars

While it would be easy to dismiss this move by the People’s Bank of China to inch away from dollar based invoicing, the fact is that the use of other currencies for denominating trade transactions has been on the rise. We cited this Globe and Mail story back in February: The chief executive of jewellery […]


More Bad News Out of China, Including Capital Flight

Reader Michael sent a host of updates on China, which might collectively be called, “Lousy China News Wrap.” And I don’t think he was cherry picking The eye-catching one was a coded story on capital flight from China, “China warns of risks from “abnormal” cross-border capital flow,” from Xinhua. The reason that capital is exiting […]


Has Beggar Thy Neighbor Started?

One of the ugly features of the Great Depression that in many (but not all) cases worsened the severity of the contraction was that countries adopted “me first” policies with little regard to their broader ramifications. The poster child of this pattern is Smoot Hawley. Although there is some dispute among economists as to whether […]


China’s Central Bank May Cut Rates Again in December

Admittedly, China announced a raft of worst than expected economic data yesterday, even when analysts anticipated further weakening in November. So the comment by the head of China’s central bank, that further rate cuts may be coming sooner rather than later, would seem to be entirely predictable. But one has to wonder at the timing. […]


China’s Exports Fell in November

Further signs that the Chinese economy is in the throes of a serious downturn. From Bloomberg: China’s exports shrank last month and industrial-production growth cooled, Fan Gang, an adviser to the People’s Bank of China, said today. “Things are not so good,” Fan said at a forum in Beijing. “November figures will come out soon, […]