Category Archives: Currencies

Vietnam and Qatar Retreat From Dollar

In a further blow to the dollar’s standing, Vietnam and Qatar both announced that they are cutting their holdings of dollar assets. Note that this isn’t merely “diversifying away from the dollar” which could be accomplished by effectively reducing ongoing dollar purchases (both run trade surpluses which oblige them to buy dollars) via exchanging them, […]


Some Hope for the Dollar?

Although I’m not keen about the dollar’s prospects over the next 2-3 years, a Bloomberg story says that it appears to be oversold relative to the euro. However, this view is based on technical analysis, which some dismiss as a close cousin to astrology. From Bloomberg: The euro’s record-setting rally may not extend through the […]


Why So Little Focus on the Unwinding of Global Imbalances?

It seems peculiar indeed that a sea change in the world economy, namely, the decline of the international funds flow generally called “global imbalances,” has gotten so little attention. “Global imbalances” refers to capital flows from high savings countries such as China, Taiwan and Japan, funding current account deficits (meaning consumption) in the US. They […]


The ECB’s Mixed Views on Inflation vs. the Dollar

Like our own Fed governors in the run up to the FOMC meeting that produced a 50 basis point Fed funds rate cut, so too have European Central Bank been sending mixed signals on domestic versus international priorities in their interest rate policies. But their actions are the mirror image of ours. For them, member […]


China Launches Price Freeze

Do you remember “Whip Inflation Now,” Gerald Forf’s program to reduce inflation by exhorting consumers to spend less? WIN buttons, part of a public awareness campaign, quickly came to symbolize the cluelessness of the Ford Administration. The Chinese are about to learn Ford’s lesson the hard way. Rampaging domestic inflation has led the government to […]


Global Alpha, Carry Trade Victim

Bloomberg reports that Goldman’s big hedge fund, Global Alpha, which took a beating along with other quantitatively oriented traders, was down 22.5% in August. Even among quant funds, this was lackluster performance. James Simons’ Renaissance Technologies recouped the 8.7% loss it suffered at the beginning of the month. But here comes the juicy bit: of […]


Scary Words From Martin Wolf: End of Global Imbalances

Martin Wolf, the Financial Times’ highly regarded chief economics editor, has a particularly sobering article today, “Challenge of rescuing world economy,” and Wolf is a serious sort to begin with. Wolf uses a couple of less widely discussed presentations from the Fed’s conference at Jackson Hole as his point of departure. He contrasts one by […]


Thomas Palley on "America’s Distorted Expansion"

Economist Thomas Palley has a very interesting post today on our current economic conundrum, and he traces the problems to blind faith in globalization rather than permissive monetary policy or out of control financial innovation. Palley starts from an earlier point than most do, noting that our recent expansion has been unbalanced. He sees the […]


Foreign Investors Abandoning US Treasuries

The rally in Treasuries, due primarily to a flight to quality by US investors, has masked a troubling trend: a retreat from Treasuries by foreign investors. Today’s Bloomberg story quotes investors openly discussing their disenchantment with the dollar. This is more significant than it might appear. First, this selling of Treasuries is almost certain to […]


Chaos Continues in the Money Markets

The Fed’s move on Friday to lower discount rates and its policy shift towards addressing risks to growth has not brought relief to the sector that was in the most distress, the money markets. Panicked action continued Monday, begging the question of what, if anything, the authorities can do. Institutional are fleeing from counterparty risk […]


A Bank Run at Second Life

Santayana was right. Humans seem to be hard wired to make the same mistakes over and over again. Consider the financial turmoil afflicting Second Life. Mirroring our time, the online game/virtual community is commercially oriented. Property and services have a price. (If you think virtual worlds must operate that way, I suggest you read a […]