Poland’s Coming Economic Collapse: A Story in 8 Tweets
Why Poland is on its way to becoming an economic basket case.
Read more...Why Poland is on its way to becoming an economic basket case.
Read more...Genesis, another key block in the crypto Jenga tower, looks like it is about to be removed from the game. What might fall down as a result?
Read more...Some shady FTX behavior that hopefully won’t be lost in the shuffle of new revelations.
Read more...A wide-ranging discussion of why defenses of crypto don’t stand up to scrutiny.
Read more...FTX is an even bigger mess than someone with a creative streak might have imagined.
Read more...A small illustration of why some of the stories about reducing dollar dependence are misguided.
Read more...Why, if you aren’t in crypto, you can watch the meltdown in comparative comfort.
Read more...In the unlikely event you have any doubt, Sam Bankman-Fried and his merry band of FTX rogues look mighty dishonest.
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Read more...Many countries see the Russia challenge to Western economic dominance as an opportunity to rewrite the rules of global trade in their favor.
Read more...Preoccupied with ‘credibility’ and reputations, central banks are again driving the world into recession, financial turmoil and debt crises.
Read more...Satyajit Das continues his tour of the breakup of the world order, here focusing on financial/economic dislocations and dysfunctional elites
Read more...Rishi Sunak has a Mission Impossible even before getting to his bad impulses. Most countries in the West face the same long list of problems
Read more...Truss’ legacy will be one of a tanking pound, soaring inflation, and a seemingly inevitably recession.