Yanis Varoufakis: Inflation as a Political Power Play Gone Wrong
Looking at inflation through a class warfare lens.
Read more...Looking at inflation through a class warfare lens.
Read more...The great crypto unwind is underway, bringing to light even more bad practices than you likely knew about.
Read more...Why having central banks as the inflation shock troops is not such a hot idea.
Read more...Why the use of options may be the risk bomb that blows a big hole in our financial system.
Read more...Why it’s more fun and profitable to be in the bubble economy than the real one.
Read more...More on how sanctions against Russia are boomeranging.
Read more...Financial legerdemain is still very much with us, despite the Big One in 2008 and continuing distortions confirming its high cost.
Read more...In an investment environment where nothing matters anymore – until old fasioned worries like leverage suddenly do.
Read more...The City’s vast financial services sector benefited hugely from the creation of the euro. Now, a large part of that business is at risk.
Read more...A recent book focuse on the role of the carry trade in increasing financialization and instabilty.
Read more...Debunking Bernanke’s pet excuse for the global financial crisis, the savings glut hypothesis, which of course exculpates the Fed.
Read more...No, collateralized loan obligations are not about to wipe out banks, and Frank Partnoy should have focused on real risks, like destruction of productive capacity.
Read more...CalPERS efforts to ‘splain away its $1 billion tail hedge fiasco backfire as one of the tail risk managers, Universa, shreds CalPERS’ claims.
Read more...An overview of the dislocations in the oil market.
Read more...Collaping oil prices demonstrate the severity of the fall in real economy activity.