Close to 30 Million Americans Face Limited Water Supplies, Government Report Finds
Struggles over water use and cost are set to intensify as usage outstrips supplies.
Read more...Struggles over water use and cost are set to intensify as usage outstrips supplies.
Read more...Ideas about how to reduce fire risk in Los Angeles do not appear to go far enough.
Read more...A Wall Street Journal column suggests that elite conventional wisdom favors more gutting of medical and home insurance as unduly “socialized”
Read more...A new report shows a 50% GDP fall from 2070 to 2090 due to climate change. Los Angeles gives a taste of coming struggles about what to do.
Read more...Sadly Netanyahu is trying to slip the noose of the much-ballyhooed Gaza ceasefire deal and may succeed.
Read more...Why Russia’s seeming high class problem of being able to secure a military victory in Ukraine really is a problem.
Read more...The pace of rebuilding after the Santa Cruz Mountains wildfire in 2000 bodes ill for the likely speed of Los Angeles reconstruction.
Read more...More and more homeowners are understandably worried about what insurance increases might look like in the face of intensifying climate risks.
Read more...Yanis Varoufakis contends that even though Israel’s genocide in Gaza looks unstoppable, that the costs to Israel will keep rising.
Read more...Inhabitants of Gaza aren’t dying fast enough to suit some Knesset members, so they describe how to hurry the process along.
Read more...Azerbaijan president’s out of character condemnation of Moscow before facts are in points to changes on the horizon.
Read more...A new neocon scheme, reportedly with backing among incoming Trump officials, to bring Russia to its knees with improved energy sanctions.
Read more...A look at the information so far and finger-pointing about the Azerbaijan plane crash.
Read more...Israel is in the midst of a land grab in Syria. Ex Ansar Allah, the disapproving world majority merely finger-wags.
Read more...The much-hyped US-Russia “negotiations” over Ukraine look dead on arrival. How will the heavily-invested Trump react?