As U.S. LNG Expands in Europe, a Hidden Threat Grows
Researchers and experts are warning about the danger of naturally occurring radiation in LNG to workers and communities in the US and Europe
Read more...Researchers and experts are warning about the danger of naturally occurring radiation in LNG to workers and communities in the US and Europe
Read more...Why Russia has some tough decisions in the offing.
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Read more...Why Saudi Arabia is still not playing nice with the US.
Read more...Food crises, stagnation and price increases are worsening. Sanctions against Russia hurt those relying on wheat and fertilizer imports.
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Read more...visiting Chalmer Johnson’s over 20 year old classic, Blowback, which dishearteningly has become if anything more prophetic as time passes.
Read more...Looking at the presently insurmountable gap between the West’s probable bid and Russia’s ask to settle the militiary and economic wars.
Read more...How our current “clash of civilizations” is a war between economic models.
Read more...Turning to a tried and true protection against shootings…..
Read more...Another oil and gas crisis problem: inadequate refinery capacity.
Read more...Republicans use the fact that tackling climate change will impose costs as a reason not to go there, while Dems largely finesse the issue.
Read more...US/allied sanctions against Russia have not achieved their objectives but are worsening economic stagnation, inflation and hunger worldwide.
Read more...Gresham as an introduction to some of the key financial players in Russia.