Category Archives: Economic fundamentals

Guest Post: “War ALWAYS Causes Recession”

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. PhD economist Marc Faber predicts that the U.S. will launch a war to distract people from the bad economy. China’s largest media outlet – – wrote in October 2008 that the Rand corporation, a leading U.S. military advisor, lobbied the Pentagon for a war to be started with […]


“President Obama, deficit terrorism is not the answer!”

By Marshall Auerback, a fund manager and investment strategist who writes for New Deal 2.0. Oh dear, there he goes again. After sensibly calling for a jobs summit to deal with the problem of rising unemployment, President Obama’s Herbert Hoover-like alter ego has re-emerged again to warn us again about the evils of government deficit […]


Krugman on the Need for Jobs Policies

Paul Krugman has a good op-ed tonight on how Germany has fared versus the US in the global financial crisis. Recall that there was much hectoring of Germany early on, for its failure to enact stimulus programs. German readers were puzzled, since Germany has a lot of social safety nets that serve as automatic counter-cyclical […]


Guest Post: Military Spending is INCREASING Unemployment and REDUCING Economic Growth

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. I have written extensively on the fact that this is not a normal cyclical recession, and we’re not in the type of “jobless recovery” which we’ve had a couple of times in the last 50 years. Unemployment will continue rising in America for some time, which will make a […]


If the Fed is looking to inflate away problems, what should Asia do?

By Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns I would be especially interested to hear the views of NC’s Asian readers on this post because Japan and China are usually considered antagonists with a long and sordid past. Andy Xie thinks the Fed is on an inflationary path.  Last month, he wrote an article in Caijing which […]


Guest Post: One Reason that the Stock Market is Rising While Unemployment is Soaring

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog . Daniel Gross points out that part of the reason that the American stock markets are going up even though unemployment is rising and the real economy suffering is because multinational corporations headquartered in the U.S. are experiencing strong sales abroad: Here’s a puzzle: The stock markets are doing […]


Frank Veneroso: Employment Losses Probably Continue at a 300,000 a Month Rate

From Veneroso Associates’ US Economy October Employment Report, ” Huge Discrepancy Between the Payroll and Household Surveys: Executive Summary 1. According to BLS, payrolls fell at a 188,000 a month rate over the last three months. But their own household survey says employment fell at a 589,000 a month rate. 2. Why the discrepancy? 3. […]


Guest Post: Investor Psychology … Fear Turns People Into Sheep

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. Investors are basically rational, right? In fact, as many studies have demonstrated, the answer is no. But instead of wading through all of the investment psychology research, let’s look at research into people’s basic reasoning abilities. Bear with me for a minute. A study in an area unrelated to […]


Guest Post: Wall Street Journal Admits Economists Were Wrong, But Fails to Discuss their INCENTIVE for Being Wrong

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. The Wall Street Journal admits this week that economists blew it: The pain of the financial crisis has economists striving to understand precisely why it happened and how to prevent a repeat… The crisis exposed the inadequacy of economists’ traditional tool kit, forcing them to revisit questions many had […]


Trouble looms in Ireland after debt cut two notches and deficits soar

Submitted by Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns I am posting this in the interest of widening the discussion at Naked Capitalism to include some topics in Europe. Fitch, the credit rating agency, has just downgraded the sovereign debt ratings for the Republic of Ireland from AA+ to AA-.  That is two notches and is proof-positive […]


Wood warns of correction, says “key variable in the West is government policy”

By Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns Christopher Wood, the well-noted market strategist at CLSA and writer of the classic Japan crash warning book “The Bubble Economy,” is now warning of a market correction in the West.  According to CNBC India, Wood believes that the markets’ extreme upward move is increasing the chances of a major […]


Bullish data, recoveries, crashes and the psychology of forecasting redux

By Edward Harrison of Credit Writedowns If you have been wondering whether a statistical recovery is at hand, today’s ISM manufacturing report should be the clincher.  The report was definitely bullish with the ISM index rising to 55.7 and sub-components supporting the understanding that the manufacturing sector is expanding. This is quite a contrast to […]


Guest Post: Aggressive Fiscal Stimulus Spending Only Shortens Recessions by Two Quarters

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog. Keynesians argue that we must increase fiscal stimulus to prevent a full-scale depression. They argue that “deficit hawks” are wrong when they say that we can’t afford any more stimulus, and that worrying about debt in a crisis of this size is penny wise and pound foolish, given the […]


Roubini Predicts “Mother of All Carry Trade Unwinds”

Nouriel Roubini has officially left the “hedging your bets on the economy” camp. He has declared the markets to be frothy because super low dollar borrowing rates have turned the greenback into the funding currency for the carry trade. Far more important than the peppy rally in the stock market is the resumption of early […]