Category Archives: Environment

Concerns About BP Relief Well Success Rise Along With Evidence of Chemical Damage, Spread of Oil

The Financial Times highlights a concern we had raised early on about the effort by BP to drill a relief well to stop the flow of oil into the Gulf. While many analysts have acted as if the BP forecast, that the well would be completed by August, there is no reason to assume the […]


BP: Gulf Resident Gives Behind the Scenes Account, Slams Cleanup and Safety

Gulf resident and fisherman’s wife Kindra Arnesen took advantage of the offer extended to her to visit cleanup sites and staff meetings: At any rate, I was invited the following week to go behind “enemy lines.” They gave me, of all people, security clearance to go into the base of operations meetings in Venice, Louisiana […]


Guest Post: The Second Energy Revolution

By Wallace C. Turbrville, the former CEO of VMAC LLC who writes at New Deal 2.0 In the 1930s, a great many Southerners had no access to electricity. The Roosevelt administration perceived an enormous opportunity to restructure the region’s economy. By building facilities to bring power to the rural South, jobs would be created from […]


Glenn Stehle: BP’s Hayward Before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce

By Glenn Stehle, an engineer who began working in the oil industry in 1974. After a two-year stint with Cities Service Oil Company, he worked for two years for Henry Engineering, a petroleum engineering consulting firm. Upon leaving Henry Engineering he worked as an independent engineering consultant in all facets of the oil and gas […]


Gonzalo Lira: What do BP and the Banks Have In Common? The Era of Corporate Anarchy

By Gonzalo Lira, a novelist and filmmaker (and economist) currently living in Chile and writing at Gonzalo Lira On the occasion of the BP oil spill disaster, President Obama’s delivered an Oval Office speech last night—a masterpiece of milquetoast faux-outrage. The speech was all about “clean energy” and “ending our dependence on fossil fuels”. Faced […]


BP: Official Estimate of Leak Now 35-60K Barrels/Day; Negotiations Over Dividend Escrow Stall

The latest updates on BP, both via Bloomberg. We noted that Rolling Stone had reported that the median of estimates by scientists who has access to the leak data was 55,000 barrels, and there were reasons to take the dire estimates seriously. The latest estimates are allegedly based on a more careful reading of the […]


On BP: “Very Difficult, If Not Impossible” to Firewall US Businesses

FT Alphaville has a very useful chart and related discussion based on Citigroup research, on the question of whether BP could segregate its operations as a precursor to some sort of “good company/bad company” restructuring. Such a move would no doubt be presented as a way to remove the cloud of uncertainty over BP, but […]


BP: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairmen Send Damning Letter to Hayward

The House Energy and Commerce Committee chairmen, Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak published the text of a 14 page letter sent today to Tony Hayward, BP’s CEO. The House website not only contains the text of the letter, but also 23 additional documents from BP, Halliburton, Schlumberger, and Transocean. The letter itself provides a damning […]


BP Given 48 Hours to Step Up Recovery Efforts

We’ve admittedly gone a bit heavy on the BP coverage in the last day or so, but since we aren’t having a financial crisis weekend, this is one of the few major stories that is having meaningful developments. Bloomberg reports that the Coast Guard has ordered the oil producer to increase its recovery efforts. The […]


BP Shows Belly, Says Willing to Cut Dividend, So What Will Obama Do?

BP has clearly decided that it needs to do what it takes to get the Administration to de-escalate its campaign against the oil producer, and is signaling that it is willing to cut its dividend, something it has fiercely resisted, as a peace offering. BP’s chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg has been summoned to meet with Obama […]


“Green Consumerism” Largely a Myth

An important little post by Amanda Reed at WorldChanging reveals how conventional measures of carbon emissions give consumers a free pass and ignore the greenhouse gas production resulting from global sourcing of consumer goods. John Barnett of the Stockholm Environment Institute gave a presentation based on his work in the UK and 40 local governments […]


WTF Alert: BP CEO is a Mere PR Problem?

What term do you use to describe spin about spin? Spin squared? Meta spin? Whatever you chose to call it, a classic example is in full view in a New York Times article, “Another Torrent BP Works to Stem: Its C.E.O.” If you were to believe the New York Times, which all too often appears […]