Category Archives: Environment

The Future of Coral Reefs

John Quiggin, Australian economist and popular blogger, participated in the Coral Reef Futures Forum since one of his many roles is to look at the economics of the Great Barrier Reef. In addition to shedding light on the progress and consequences of global warming, Quiggin’s post also provides informative comments on what he calls delusionist […]


Oceans Becoming More Acidic (and Why That’s a Big Deal)

We’ve mentioned before that higher atmospheric CO2 levels make the oceans more acidic. And that in turn is very nasty for shellfish, coral reefs, and the foundation of the ocean food supply, plankton. As this article in Science Daily reports, the consequences may be even more serious than those of global warming: The world’s oceans […]


Monkey See, Monkey Do (Climate Change Edition)

A MarketWatch story says that there is a surprisingly effective motivation for people to conserve energy: keeping up with the Joneses. Research indicates that setting an example is more effective than one might think. So whether it’s owning a Prius, using florescent bulbs, or eating more plant proteins (fish and meat are higher up the […]


Wal-Mart as Carbon Enforcer?

The Financial Times, in “Wal-Mart seeks emissions data,” reports that the Bentonville behemoth is out to make it suppliers greener: Wal-Mart is to ask its suppliers to measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions, in the biggest move to disclose emissions from businesses. Few companies disclose their emissions, making it difficult to judge which are […]


Status and Clothes Lines: An International Comparison

A front page Wall Street Journal story today discusses how clotheslines have become a new battle front in America. The environmentally minded are using them in increasing numbers (clothes driers account for 6% of residential energy use). This is yet another illustration of how status consciousness and years of cheap energy intersect to produce peculiar […]


World’s Most Polluted Sites

Blacksmith Institute, which addresses pollution-related problems in the developing world, published its annual list of the most polluted places, with more detail available on each: Sumgayit, AzerbaijanLinfen, ChinaTianying, ChinaSukinda, IndiaVapi, IndiaLa Oroya, PeruDzerzhinsk, RussiaNorilsk, RussiaChernobyl, UkraineKabwe, Zambia As the Institute says: Living in a town with serious pollution is like living under a death sentence. […]


"Rare Breeds of Farm Animals Face Extinction"

The title above is the headline of a story in Science Daily, which reports on the recommendations of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), which in turn cites a recent report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The FAO report found that over-reliance on a few highly productive livestock breeds, such […]