Category Archives: Environment

Another Win for Fossil Fuels: EPA to Weaken Basis for Calculating Mercury and Future Environmental Standards

At the behest of fossil fuel interests, Trump’s EPA seeks to change the way of calculating future benefits of environmental rules and thus undermines 2011 mercury emissions standards — even though power plants have already invested to comply with the rules.


Fracking in 2018: Another Year of Pretending to Make Money

The latest in Justin Mikulka’s excellent series on the fracking beat. The industry lacks even the excuse of profit to justify the environmental costs it inflicts – yet this is a story too little told in the rest of the media, which instead promotes further investments in this sector.


Don Quijones: Retail Melts Down Before Christmas in the UK, Spreads to Continent

After “the worst-on-record unbelievably bad” November, even e-commerce gets hit, not just brick & mortar, on fears Christmas sales could be terrible. Can we make out any a silver lining in this retail meltdown, signs of a shift necessary away from fast fashion toward a more sustainable future?