Category Archives: Environment

Michael Hoexter: The Climate (and Climate Justice!) Movement Cannot Remain a Genteel Environmentalist Movement

Hoexter examines the disconnect between the preferred methods of climate activists versus the magnitude and urgency of the issues they are trying to address. His analysis echoes an important 2012 post by Richard Kline, Progressively Losing.


Ron Wyden Calls NAFTA Insufficient Now; In 1993, He Called It a “Vote For Less Pollution”

One of the common rhetorical tropes supporters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership have used to sell it is to declaim all prior trade agreements as inferior, relative to this bright, shiny and new deal. Ron Wyden, the Democrat in Congress most responsible for moving TPP through, gave a particularly juicy example of this yesterday.


The Gazprom Case: Good Timing or Bad Timing?

Just a week after having sent a Statement of Objections (SO) in the frame of the antitrust case against Google, EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager sent yesterday an SO in the frame of the case against Gazprom. The decision to send a charge sheet against the Russian gas company came after almost three years of investigations, which have also seen EU antitrust officials raiding Gazprom offices in central and eastern European countries.