Category Archives: Europe

Satyajit Das: A Disordered World – Part 2: Susceptibilities

Satyajit Das continues his tour of the breakup of the world order, here focusing on financial/economic dislocations and dysfunctional elites


Brussels Provides Not-So-Subtle Input on Italy’s Next Government

By Conor Gallagher While incoming Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her Brothers of Italy Party (Fdl) certainly provide plenty of nationalist and culture war sound bites, they will ultimately be forced to follow EU and NATO marching orders, or they won’t be in power very long. Now that two cabinet picks from Meloni and […]


EU Plays Hardball With Serbia Over Its Russia Ties

By Conor Gallagher Much like Ankara, Belgrade has tried to stay above the fray in the conflict between NATO and Russia. While Serbia doesn’t share the same geographic significance and isn’t a member of NATO like Turkey, it is one of Russia’s strongest allies in Europe, and is now receiving the same pressure to choose […]


Is the US Preparing for the “NATOization” of Bosnia?

By Conor Gallagher As the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to deteriorate, it’s looking increasingly likely that NATO forces will return to the country as Washington’s answer to a problem it has created. Questions over the integrity of the October 2 election are ratcheting up tensions in the ethnically-divided country. On top of […]