Category Archives: Europe

Ed Harrison: Some Thoughts on the Coming Defaults of Greece

Lambert here: This post is a 30,000-foot view of the unfolding Greek crisis, written after the Eurozone finance minister’s meeting at Riga in April, but still good, and republished, today. tl;dr: The opera ain’t over ’til the ECB sings. Ruthlessly oversimplifying one aspect of Harrison’s post, Grexit is “arduous,” because the EU is a Rube […]


Tsipras’ Bailout Referendum Sham

At 1:00 AM in Athens on Saturday morning, Greek prime minister Alex Tsipras announced that Greece would hold a referendum on July 5 on whether to accept the terms provided by the creditors in order for Greece to obtain €7.2 billion in “bailout” funds as the final part of a loan package provided to Greece in 2012.

The bailout in fact expires on June 30. It is too late for Greek voters to have any say on the Greek government’s posture in the negotiations. So what was this ploy meant to achieve?


What If There is No Deal on Greece?

The alarming part of the deadlock between Greece and its lenders is the lack of a plan on the creditor side to develop a Plan B, a sort of mirror image of the Greek government’s claim that its has bet everything on securing a favorable agreement.


Bank of Greece Issues Grexit Warning, in Move Certain to Intensify Bank Run

The Bank of Greece submitted a required report on monetary policy to the Greek Parliament and the Cabinet this morning. The English language version of the press release shows that it says, in stark terms, that failure to reach a pact with Greece’s creditors will lead to a Grexit and likely a departure from the European Union.