September Producer Prices Confirm Tailwind of Falling Commodity Prices Has Ended
The commodity price break, which worked its way down to consumers, is ending. What next?
Read more...The commodity price break, which worked its way down to consumers, is ending. What next?
Read more...The impenetrability of this continuously expanding Ptolemaic New Keynesian monetary paradigm is maddening.
Read more...While a UK crisis is not yet brewing, there are plenty of worrisome developments that could keep moving in the wrong direction.
Read more...Recession complacency means things are wobblier than they seem.
Read more...Bank lobbyists want to weaken bank regulations even after rich stakeholders in recent “not-to-big-to-fail “bank failures were rescued.
Read more...The “liquidity” support provided by the Fed to megabanks through cross-border lending in fact acted as subsidies.
Read more...Quelle surprise! Trends in wages indicate that the economy is less robust than the officialdom and financial press would have you believe.
Read more...Inflation in the US is still defying the Fed, confirming that the blunt instrument of interest rate increases is not the right tool.
Read more...Debates inside and outside the Fed as to what it should do next about inflation pick up as its annual Jackson Hole conference approaches.
Read more...The monetary policy of major central banks in advanced economies have had negative consequences and thus need to be fixed.
Read more...A supposedly good economy has not helped Biden much and trends such as oil prices do not look to be in his favor.
Read more...The financial press and Mr. Market shrugged off the Fitch downgrade of US government debt from AAA to AA+. Why?
Read more...MMT backer Richard Murphy and London finance organ City A.M. have surprisingly simliar views on the causes of inflation but differ on remedies
Read more...An explanation of how a favorite Fed rate setting tool, the Taylor Rule, promotes inequality by shifting income away from workers.
Read more...Sadly, some bank-serving fables are very durable, so James Galbraith has (yet another) go at them.