Wealth of US Billionaires Hits $5.5 Trillion—Up 88% Since Pandemic Hit
Even though the rich are predictably getting richer even in the Covid era, the picture is worse when you look at billionaires.
Read more...Even though the rich are predictably getting richer even in the Covid era, the picture is worse when you look at billionaires.
Read more...Physician-scientist Fred Ledley and economist William Lazonick debunk Big Pharma arguments against Medicare drug price negotiation
Read more...“Essential” workers are cross-sectoral organizing across Minnesota and scoring victories.
Read more...Special interests and the lack of a unified vision facilitate corruption. Rising debt levels in the developing world suggest a tipping point.
Read more...A Wall Street Journal article about dispirited young voters reveals more than it intended to.
Read more...While you were busy watching the wars, national elections or other distractions du jour, global warming keeps marching on.
Read more...Tax havens not only facilitate tax evasion and corruption in ‘normal times’, they also harbour funds during economic crises, slowing down recovery.
Read more...Michael Hudson in a bracing talk, including history of crises, the role of debt, and how ancient Greek and Roman law promoted inequality
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Read more...Some new wrinkles on who wins and loses in James Galbraith’s Predator State.
Read more...The Silicon Valley citadel of capitalism is built on eugenics, bombs, and hatred of the working class, and it’s destroying the world.
Read more...A thorough takedown of the aggressively-sold falsehood that economic performance under Biden is good but the poors are too stupid to get it.
Read more...Corporate greedflation is squeezing household budgets and distorting the economy. But is tacit support for it really a one-party affair?
Read more...KLG looks at how science has lost stature, and how that affects scientists and the current practice of science.
Read more...UK and US policy are mean to the poor, even though that stinginess costs all of us.