Can Europe Afford Its Energy Transition?
A not-complete tally cost estimate for Europe’s climate change containment comes in at €1.3 trillion annually to 2030, then >€1.5 trillion through 2050.
Read more...A not-complete tally cost estimate for Europe’s climate change containment comes in at €1.3 trillion annually to 2030, then >€1.5 trillion through 2050.
Read more...The International Energy Agency forecasts that data center demand for energy will more than double by 2026, with AI the big driver.
Read more...Those experiencing a climate-change-induced disaster wind up having more polarized beliefs about the role of human action.
Read more...Scientists and companies increasingly support blocking some sunlight to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Read more...What would make a critical mass of Americans, marinating in a rugged individualist culture, want to become their neighbors’ keepers?
Read more...Seriously, WTF is wrong with optimists? Why are they so bent on stamping out pessimism?
Read more...Small decentralized desalination plants hold the promise of low enough cost to use on brackish agricultural water.
Read more...COP29 summit proves change won’t come until floods and wildfires are killing tens of thousands in rich Global North cities
Read more...Data centers are an obstacle that torpedoes the whole idea of a transition offensive against hydrocarbons.
Read more...Critics of the “COP of false solutions” said that instead of much-needed funding, developing nations got “a global Ponzi scheme that the private equity vultures and public relations people will now exploit.”
Read more...World leaders criticized COP29 host Azerbaijan for its oil-dependent economy while ignoring the massive climate bootprint of their militaries.
Read more...Hotter days and higher flood risk are prompting people across the South to consider moving north.
Read more...Grassroots organizations are helping rebuild North Carolina communities after Hurricane Helene. And how about FEMA?
Read more...Your pet more vulnerable to climate change than you might think. Some helpful suggestions.
Read more...On the oddly muted reporting of FEMA’s performance in Helene, and why that matters for future disaster responses.