Category Archives: Global warming

Ozone a Bigger Culprit in Climate Change Than Previously Thought

An article in Nature magazine, as reported by the BBC, has found that ozone is a more significant greenhouse gas than previously recognized. Ozone interferes with plant photosynthesis, which reduces their effectiveness as a carbon sink. The study estimated that it reduced plant productivity by 14% to 22%, which is a large enough level to […]


Wall Street Journal on Australia’s Drought

The Journal has a not-too-bad page one story on Australia’s drought and the government efforts to address it, but it’s wrong enough so as to merit comment. I lived in Australia for a couple of years not too long ago and have met Malcolm Turnbull, who is now the environmental minister for Australia. The story […]


Don’t Plant Trees

A good post by Joseph Romm at Gristmill explains why planting trees isn’t as good a CO2 reduction measure as it is commonly believed. However, I take issue with his title: “The first rule of carbon offsets: No trees.” Actually, the first rule of carbon offsets is do something else, anything else, first. While in […]


UN: 50 Million Could Be Displaced by "Desertification" in 10 Years

The BBC website has this grim story on how climate change and unsustainable farming practices is projected to produce an increase in deserts, leading to mass migration. Sub-Saharan Africa and central Asia are worse affected, but parts of Australia and the American West are also drying out. From the BBC: Tens of millions of people […]


Top Climate Scientists Issue Dire Warning

Six highly respected climate scientists have published a paper, “Climate change and trade gasses,” in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (hat tip Gristmill) that says things are worse than is being reported. The paper takes issue with some of the assumptions of the IPCC report, arguing that it ignores that ice sheets melt […]


Arctic Spring Arriving Earlier

Researchers have found that spring is arriving in the polar regions considerably earlier, and they anticipate that the long-term effect will be that species from warmer climates will establish themselves further north, competing with and in some cases crowding out now-native flora and fauna. From the BBC: Spring in the Arctic is arriving “weeks earlier” […]


Global Warming = More Cats

Gristmill pointed us to this news item, “Warming behind kitty boom, pets group says.” The theory is global warming = more warm weather = more randy cats = more cat fornicating = more kittens (which it tantamount to “more cats”): Droves of cats and kittens are swarming into animal shelters nationwide, and global warming is […]


BBC: EU Carbon Trading Regime Fails to Deliver Promised Results

One of the big bones of contention in the “what to do about global warming” debate is whether to use carbon taxes or carbon trading to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In theory, either regime could produce a satisfactory result, and many commentators prefer carbon trading, out of what amounts to an ideological bias in favor […]


"The Political and Selective Use of Data" (Global Warming Edition)

Yet another instance of the Administration fudging the data in an effort to change the record. After a proud history of climate change denial, the White House now claims that the US has been more successful than Europe in reducing greenhouse gases. “The Political and Selective Use of Data: Cherry-Picking Climate Information in the White […]