Category Archives: Global warming

Goldman: On Both Sides of the Carbon Trade?

Firms jealous of Goldman Sachs’ (GS) spectacular profitability often take aim at its appetite for situations rife with conflicts of interest. A few examples: in the recent New York Stock Exchange acquisition of electronic exchange Archipelago, Goldman acted as advisor to both the NYSE and Archipelago even though it was Archipelago’s biggest shareholder and a […]


The Fault Lines on Global Warming

A very interesing piece in the Guardian, “Davos ’07: it’s gone green,” points to surprising areas of agreement amongst the commercial cohort at Davos, but also exposes predictable fault lines. First the good news: Davos has gone green. The first thing you see on entering the conference hall is an invitation to make your visit […]


Thinking the Unthinkable (Global Warming Edition)

What a difference a year makes. Global warming had been dismissed in the business press as the creation of tree-huggers, liberals, and other enemies of free enterprise. Suddenly, it’s a hot cause (no pun intended). Monday, the CEOs of nine blue chip companies, including General Electric, Alcoa, Lehman Brothers, and Duke Power, joined in the […]