China and the Revenge of the Sanctioned
How US ham-handed use of force and misreadings of key players’ interests, allowed China to suddenly take a leadershp role in the Middle East
Read more...How US ham-handed use of force and misreadings of key players’ interests, allowed China to suddenly take a leadershp role in the Middle East
Read more...Yves here. Sit back and enjoy yet another discussion between Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson, this time joined by Professor Mick Dunford at the Geopolitical Hour. Today’s tour starts with Ukraine, moves to Russia, and then continues to Europe, the US and China. It is noteworthy to see the Western media act as if Europe’s […]
Read more...Even the mainstream media acknowledges that an expected surge of immigrants at the US border will push a bad situation into crisis.
Read more...Engaging in more bilateral trade to bypass the dollar fragments the activities of major international banks and even affects locak players.
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Read more...Big employers like McDonalds have been caught illegally employing children. Some state want to regulize that. But is this just a GOP affair?
Read more...The conflict in Sudan is an expression of the changing world order and the intense fight over resources and critical geographies.
Read more...The US channels Nora Desmond.
Read more...Sadly, coming up with a way to resolve big international banks is a non-starter. The answer is very strict regulation. But that would be work.
Read more...Do the Royals still have this sway? “Charles’ coronation will encourage millions to keep marching to the beat of Britain’s posh boys”
Read more...Tectonic eruptions in Eurasia erode America’s global power.
Read more...At least when it comes to “great” powers and war these days, one lesson seems clear enough: there simply is nothing great about them, except their power to destroy not just the enemy, but themselves as well.
Read more...Professor Sokona, Vice-Chair of the IPCC, on how Ukraine has reshaped thinking in Africa and on the needed transformation in its leadership
Read more...Why renewables are not a free lunch.
Read more...Martin Guzman explains the role of power in sovereign debt crises and restructurings.