Russia Leaves Neoliberal West to Join World Majority
The sanctions against Russia and Russia’s kinetic war in Ukraine have produced great changes in and outside. But what are their implications?
Read more...The sanctions against Russia and Russia’s kinetic war in Ukraine have produced great changes in and outside. But what are their implications?
Read more...Yes, sports fans, the Administration blew it with Saudis. Dealings may have been set to sour, but Team Biden accelerated the process.
Read more...The double question implied throughout Herman Daly’s work as an economist is this: “Is the economy for the people, or are the people for the economy?” nomy for the people, or are the people for the economy?”
Read more...Why has Australia signed up for a pricey and security-diminishing nuclear sub deal?
Read more...Biden Administration officials are pleased as punch with their targeting of China’s supposed Achilles heel: dependence on US designed chips.
Read more...Another mechanism by which US does harm through our indifference to to the impact of our dollar/interest rate policies on other countries.
Read more...The US doth protest too much over China’s napkin doodle peace principles. Why the defensiveness?
Read more...In pressing the Taiwan hot button, is the US misreading China’s capabilities and networks just as it has Russia’s?
Read more...A deep dive on the development of the dollar system.
Read more...The so-called Collective West and the rest of the world have a yawning gap in how they view the war in Ukraine.
Read more...Brexit fudged the question of the Irish border. The Tory “Ultras” that pushed for a hard Brexit are still loaded for bear on this matter.
Read more...A stocktaking on the impact of the economic sanctions against Russia.
Read more...Michael Hudson and Radhika Desai discuss the dollar regime and its prospects.
Read more...A primer on the gold standard, including a discussion of its implications.
Read more...It is possible to infer a few things from recent Ukraine push-and-pulling, but none of it is reassuring.