Could the Ukraine Conflict Be an Opportunity for the Global South?
Many countries see the Russia challenge to Western economic dominance as an opportunity to rewrite the rules of global trade in their favor.
Read more...Many countries see the Russia challenge to Western economic dominance as an opportunity to rewrite the rules of global trade in their favor.
Read more...Another tour de force with Michael Hudson, covering development, rentierism, economic narratives, debt dynamics, and the rise of China.
Read more...Lula wins by a whisker, but the Bolsonao Christian Right remains a powerful threat.
Read more...Preoccupied with ‘credibility’ and reputations, central banks are again driving the world into recession, financial turmoil and debt crises.
Read more...Haitians are saying “no to armed invasion from the international community, because every time there is the so-called ‘help’ invasion… it results in chaos,” said one activist.
Read more...John Helmer picks apart the not-well-understood story of who betrayed whom when Gorbachev agreed to the lousy US “not one inch” promise.
Read more...The global food system, heavily influenced by the big grain companies, needs an overhaul to allow diverse crops, producers and supply routes
Read more...Satyajit Das’ final post on where the world order is headed.
Read more...Satyajit Das continues his tour of the breakup of the world order, here focusing on financial/economic dislocations and dysfunctional elites
Read more...How sanctions against Russia are achieving the polar opposite of what colonialism was all about: controlling and exploiting resources.
Read more...Rishi Sunak has a Mission Impossible even before getting to his bad impulses. Most countries in the West face the same long list of problems
Read more...Satyajit Das provides a multi-facted overview of how key world structures are breaking as the US fights to preseve its imperial hold.
Read more...Diesel fuel is in scarcer supply than ever. Shortages coming?
Read more...The US is seriously considering yet another self-destructive move: bringing the Saudis to heel via a frontal legal/sanctions attack on OPEC.
Read more...Central bank dogma over inflation is pushing the world economy into recession, with many dire consequences for poorer countries.