China And Saudi Arabia Intensify Energy Cooperation With Critical Deal
How China rescued bin Salman and leveraged that relationship into a deal that advances China’s aim of making the kingdom a client state.
Read more...How China rescued bin Salman and leveraged that relationship into a deal that advances China’s aim of making the kingdom a client state.
Read more...By John McGregor, a translator and political violence researcher As perverse as it seems, achieving the dream of linking Australian renewable energy to Asian energy buyers may generate a household electricity crisis as artificial as the current gas crisis. As with LNG, large scale solar projects are set to largely, perhaps even entirely, bypass domestic […]
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Read more...Looking at inflation through a class warfare lens.
Read more...Fragmentation of euro area financial markets has been relatively limited, as policymakers have benefitted from reforms after and experiences with past crises, European countries and authorities reacted with quite some unity, and direct financial exposures to Russia and Ukraine are relatively small
Read more...In “The World the Plague Made,” James Belich argues that the Black Death had a profound impact beyond Europe.
Read more...American policies have become astonishingly obvious about not simply putting the US first, but also exploiting supposed partners to do so.
Read more...The Xi-Biden call confirmed that despite keeping communications lines open, the two superpowers are at an impasse.
Read more...Taiwan is becoming yet another case study in advanced imperial decline. Too bad the world is along for the ride.
Read more...How Sri Lanka tried, and may still be trying, to play Moscow off against Washington.
Read more...Be careful what you wish for: Europe is seeing the end of its access to cheap Russian gas.
Read more...The press was all over the UN’s Ukraine grain deal, but the UN agreement on Russian fertilizer and food may be more imporant in the long run.
Read more...Aiee, the TPP is back as the CPTPP. Same bad features but no US market access. What’s not to like?
Read more...Michael Hudson rings the changes on a favorite theme: the differences between the financial capitalism and industrial capitalism systems