Why What’s Going on Right Now at the WTO Matters
Besides the crucial COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver, far more is at stake at this WTO ministerial than is generally known.
Read more...Besides the crucial COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver, far more is at stake at this WTO ministerial than is generally known.
Read more...An analysis of the concentration of key commodities in supply chains shows why the Russia sanctions are having some outsized effects.
Read more...Mainstream politicians and voters are concerned that extremists are gaining ground. Maybe they should focus on the disease, not the sympoms.
Read more...Finally! Evidence-based answers to the main (policy) questions concerning the return of high inflation.
Read more...Why Saudi Arabia is still not playing nice with the US.
Read more...Food crises, stagnation and price increases are worsening. Sanctions against Russia hurt those relying on wheat and fertilizer imports.
Read more...Internet access may be boosting the desire to emigrate while reducing the costs of finding information on opportunities abroad
Read more...Are the coming famines in Africa and parts of Asia an accident or design?
Read more...visiting Chalmer Johnson’s over 20 year old classic, Blowback, which dishearteningly has become if anything more prophetic as time passes.
Read more...Climate change policies focused only on greenhouse gas emissions will be less successful than a broader approach that tackles inequality and climate change together.
Read more...How our current “clash of civilizations” is a war between economic models.
Read more...Republicans use the fact that tackling climate change will impose costs as a reason not to go there, while Dems largely finesse the issue.
Read more...Amazement that the EU is engaging in yet more self harm to try to damage Russia.
Read more...The EU will have to make very large expenditures to end its depencence on Russian energy. But does it also have the organizational chops?
Read more...Alas, I could only glance at my yellow waders, but there’s still plenty wrong.