Cut Flowers, Coffee, and a Geopolitical Shock
Colombia and coffee and flowers, or how successful bullying does not necessarily translate into durable wins.
Read more...Colombia and coffee and flowers, or how successful bullying does not necessarily translate into durable wins.
Read more...What happens when a former colonial power like France loses one of the key implements of its control?
Read more...The New York Times sinks to a new low in defending Mexican cartels because they are too intertwined in US economic activity.
Read more...Consumers may not suffer from more inflation per official data if Trump imposes tariffs. But that does not mean they won’t be worse off.
Read more...Why US trade and economic threats against Mexico could trigger a financial/currency crisis that may propagate across the Global South
Read more...Some of Trump’s first day initiatives will run into a buzz saw of legal opposition, but others on the economic warfare front seem to pack a punch.
Read more...To discuss: “Trump’s weaponisation of US power poses a threat to peace, prosperity and the planet.”
Read more...Michael Hudson on the method in Trump’s seeming madness in laying claim to Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal.
Read more...Quelle surprise! Historically, high levels of immigration in the US led to more union formation.
Read more...A discussion of some moves Trump is expected to take to try to contain China, starting with energy and avoiding use of the dollar.
Read more...More realistic takes on BRICS, including by Michael Hudson.
Read more...How falling levels of infrastructure maintenance are somewhat, perhaps significantly, due to Covid deaths and disability.
Read more...Michael Hudson refines and extends recent discussions on the future of the dollar, particularly under Trump, and finance-dominated capitalism
Read more...Sustained neoliberalism is exacting a toll on the UK via currency wobbles and reluctance to raise rates in the face of budget pressures.
Read more...Why the working class needs to make a hostile takeover of the Democrats.