‘We Are Fighting Back’: Global Black Friday Strikes and Protests Seek to #MakeAmazonPay
Workers around the world held Make Amazon Pay protests to obtain fair wages, end Amazon’s tax avoidance, and lower its impact on the planet
Read more...Workers around the world held Make Amazon Pay protests to obtain fair wages, end Amazon’s tax avoidance, and lower its impact on the planet
Read more...A very nasty new variant is spreading rapidly and looks to evade monoclonal antibodies and current vaccines. Assume the brace position.
Read more...The Glasgow COP26 talks have wound down with little to show, and scant progress in areas such as food, plastics, and fashion that also contribute to our global problems.
Read more...COP26 revealed climate activists have a very long way to go, and not necessarily in the way they think.
Read more...The US supply chain problem will only get worse in the absence of aggressive Federal action….and we know how likely that is.
Read more...Lab escape theories cannot clearly account for a virus that has evolved for human-to-human transmissibility.
Read more...Why even if we see more serious breakdowns, big and medium sized companies are unlikely to move away from reliance on a fragile supply chain.
Read more...How auto suppliers in Mexico have wound up between a rock and a hard place.
Read more...Post Brexit Britain is not doing at all well, and things are not going to take a turn any time soon.
Read more...Why pricey oil isn’t going away any time soon.
Read more...Big Ag’s push to sell chemicals and other inputs to developing countries has worked out great for them and badly for Africa.
Read more...A backgrounder from TroyIA, a Naked Capitalism reader and John Deere worker, on what drove union members to strike.
Read more...Gail Tverberg expands her focus beyond energy to provide an analysis of what is going terribly wrong in the world economy
Read more...Many Brexiters see Article 16 as a ‘get out of jail free’ card for the Northern Ireland protocol. Here’s why they’re wrong
Read more...How the post-USSR neoliberal land grab played out in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Needless to say, not pretty.