On the Economic Geography of Climate Change
A crucial aspect of human adaptation to climate change is geographic mobility. As a consequence, limitations to mobility will worsen the socioeconomic costs of climate change.
Read more...A crucial aspect of human adaptation to climate change is geographic mobility. As a consequence, limitations to mobility will worsen the socioeconomic costs of climate change.
Read more...On some of the key management practices and fads that produced dependence on extended and revealed-to-be-fragile supply chains.
Read more...A perspective from the Global South on the end game for growth.
Read more...Boris Johnson is expected to eyepoke the EU by reneging on the Norhtern Ireland protocol, presumbly to distract from domestic shortages.
Read more...Investigations by European and Ukrainian prosecutors revealed an alleged investment fraud with funds laundered via UK corporate entities
Read more...Repeat after me: trade deficits = exporting jobs. The latest results confirm how crappy US policies are.
Read more...To bring more chips-making back to the US, Congress should condition additional funds on suspending stock buybacks.
Read more...A look at how Covid has damaged the economy and estimating the effect.
Read more...Who does not command the World Island cannot command the World.
Read more...Optimal economic policy for LDCs requires their goverments to resist aping Washington and OECD fads.
Read more...From taming Big Tech to competing with China, Western governments are retreatig from neoliberalism. But what comes next?
Read more...Soros has a hissy over China’s Xi no longer wanting to play nicely with foreign investors.
Read more...Examines the macroeconomic effects of global food commodity price increases that are caused by global harvest and weather disruptions, and finds that the decline in economic activity is substantial and greater in advanced than in low-income countries.
Read more...On how imperialism enabled exploitation of labor in the global South, and then pressure on worker wages in advanced economies.
Read more...Yves here. This is the second section of the GPENewdoc historical series on imperialism and capitalism. You can find Part 1 here. By Lynn Fries. Originally published at GPENewsdocs Prabhat Patnaik explains how the colonial system led to depression. Then, in advanced countries governments stepped in to increase demand and productivity, but how unless the […]