Myths, Lobbies Foster Competitive International Corporate Tax Cutting
Bad ideology, kept alive by lobbying and PR, has fueled an unproductive corporte tax race to the bottom. Is the tide finally turning?
Read more...Bad ideology, kept alive by lobbying and PR, has fueled an unproductive corporte tax race to the bottom. Is the tide finally turning?
Read more...Despite brave talk about restoring manufacturing in America, extended supply chains and the position of China are insurmountable impediments.
Read more...The pandemic is largely to be over in the Global North, at least among the vaccinated…or so it seems.
Read more...Mega-corporations are set to win control of global governance of food and agriculture at the UN Food Systems Summit later this year.
Read more...California lawmakers and NGOs call on the Biden administration to press for U.S. ratification of the 1989 Basel Convention and subsequent amendments.
Read more...One critic of the agreement said that “by settling for anything less than a 25% tax rate, the G7 is telling their citizens and the world that they’re willing to keep the race to the bottom alive and kicking.”
Read more...Mega businesses are a huuge problem. But what to do?
Read more...USMCA, which promised to help American workers by improving labor bargaining rights, is being put to its first road test. Will it perform?
Read more...The FTC and more than two dozen states mull right to repair initiatives; Big Tech companies mount a ;pbbying offensive.
Read more...How much is keeping the US on a war footing really constraining Biden on the domestic front?
Read more...More discussion of Covid vaccine, testing and treatment apartheid, thanks to private sector profiteering.
Read more...Michael Hudson discusses geopolitics including currency power plays, global institutions like the IMF, the new Cold War, and Bill Gates
Read more...A surprising number of ambassadors at prominent posts are patraonge picks. And who gets rewarded for what isn’t pretty.
Read more...Biden is suddenly backing a patent waiver for foreign manufacture of Covid vaccines. But do the mechanics make this a headfake?
Read more...A big Covid surge in the Seychelles, a heavly vaccinated country, calls into question relying on vaccines as the route to normalcy.