China Coronavirus Watch: Transmission Methods, Travel, Potential Mutation, AIDS Connection Debunked
Would the United States, faced with a similar challenge, do better than China?
Read more...Would the United States, faced with a similar challenge, do better than China?
Read more...More evidence, this time via China, on the costs globalization imposed on American workers.
Read more...The big Brexit day is here.
Read more...A compilation of what seems to be known about the new Chinese coronavirus.
Read more...China announces a ban on single-use plastics, while Malaysia refuses to serve as the world’s waste bin, and returns foreign waste shipments.
Read more...India’s top BJP ministers show cold shoulder to foreigner bearing “gifts”- the Amazon promise to create jobs- and push back accordingly.
Read more...A clinical look at digital money ideas for developing economies finds the benefits are narrower than boosters would have you believe.
Read more...There’s not much to like in the Trump “Phase 1” China trade deal because there’s not much to it.
Read more...In an uncertain economic context, the Conservative election win means a loss for health and the environment.
Read more...A full-throated defense of more liberalized trade for developing nations…when the data is somewhat mixed.
Read more...Brexit jockeying is underway.
Read more...US reactions to Chinese competitive threats are an awful lot like the ones to Japan of the 1980s, but the US now has a lot less leverage.
Read more...No matter where you live, climate change will find you
Read more...By Thomas Neuburger. Originally published at DownWithTyranny! Donald Trump discussing the new NAFTA trade deal (source) If Trump gets re-elected, if Big Tech continues to evade accountability, if imperial adventures continue abroad, if migrant farmworkers cannot feed their families, you can trace it back to this Tuesday, and the actions a House Speaker took while […]
Read more...Taking a stab at how climate change pressures will increase poverty and migration.