Mark Blyth’s Incisive Post-Crisis Takedown: “A Brief History of How We Got Here and Why”
Mark Blyth gives a pithy talk on the economic regimes of the modern period and what is likely to be in store.
Read more...Mark Blyth gives a pithy talk on the economic regimes of the modern period and what is likely to be in store.
Read more...Angus Deaton argues that the present level of inequality is a threat to “democratic capitalism” but contends that historically, even more severe inequality has been reversed.
Read more...How rising temperatures helped create superbug C. auris and may turn other fungi lethal.
Read more...An new working paper by Sebastian Horn, Carmen Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch on China’s foreign lending has some important findings, such as that China accounts for more than 40% of the external debt of 50 developing countries. We’ve embedded the document at the end of this post. The study is an ambitious undertaking, seeking to […]
Read more...Many NGOs around the world are fighting inequality between the rich and the poor, but the bigger NGOs are unwilling to fight policies that keep rich NGOs richer.
Read more...A personal retrospective on the forces driving the rise and decline (and hopeful revival) of unions.
Read more...Michael Hudson on how the US was able to turn its change from creditor to debtor to its advantage.
Read more...Does Johnson have any Brexit wriggle room?
Read more...Transfer pricing: How developing countries lose $3 billion every day through an accounting trick that allows corporations to avoid paying tax.
Read more...Developing countries are refusing to accept shipments of waste for recycling; China’s new rules on scrap metal may disrupt the worldwide market for such recycling.
Read more...A clinical look at the Administration’s disingenuous Iran spin.
Read more...Electric vehicle production at scale requires materials we don’t have enough of.
Read more...Advocates for reforestation must consider who owns the land to be reforested, and how the reforestation is to be done.
Read more...A new world is emerging, in which it will be much harder to separate economics from geopolitics
Read more...Why the US looks like it has a glass jaw.