The Cost/Benefit Analysis of No Deal
Looking at the contours of a No Deal Brexit.
Read more...Looking at the contours of a No Deal Brexit.
Read more...Looking at the math of the impact of tariffs on global value chains.
Read more...Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s proposal to invent to replace the US dollar as the key reserve currency with a “synthetic hegemonic currency.”
Read more...A large scale study confirms that labour platforms, also known as crowdwork, are exploitative.
Read more...Chimerica” is dead—even if Trump’s trade war ends in a draw.
Read more...US trade and economic sanctions not only have not delivered on their stated aims, but they’ve also had unwelcome side effects.
Read more...The Brexit headlines focused on Yellowhammer when that isn’t the biggest development of the day.
Read more...Ecocode is profitable, so follow the money.
Read more...FabScrap works with fashion companies to reuse and recycle fashion scraps, thereby mitigating the notorious waste in the fashion industry.
Read more...Immanuel Wallerstein on China, Brazil, racism, and the future.
Read more...Exports by China, Japan, and Eurozone under pressure — in part because of globally weak demand for new vehicles, which transcends the trade war.
Read more...Why the US and China are likely to remain at loggerheads.
Read more...How fear of immigration drives perceptions of safety risks.
Read more...Why most corporate pro-environment measures are mere gestures.
Read more...Trump’s tariff strategy is obviously incoherent, but other approaches like anti-trust to improve the US trade’s position are sorely wanting.