A New Assessment of the Role of Offshoring in the Decline in US Manufacturing Employment
Offshoring killed American manufacturing jobs.
Read more...Offshoring killed American manufacturing jobs.
Read more...The commentariat’s Brexit predictions are playing out, sadly.
Read more...Yves here. It has been reported in venues like the Financial Times that importers who would face increased costs from tariffs on China were taking steps so as not to increase prices to customers, which includes making their suppliers give better prices and eating some costs too. With profit share at a record high level […]
Read more...China’s trend rates of growth are likely to be much lower than in the past, and even that is problematic. China will remain an important Asian player, not a dominant global force.
Read more...The two Bretton Woods institutions the have huge credibility deficits due to the policy conditionalities and advice they have dispensed to developing countries in recent decades.
Read more...One way China could mess with the US.
Read more...A row Down Under as a prominent and well placed MP says some not-nice things about China.
Read more...Should you worry about the biggest fall in semiconductor sales since the Financial Crisis?
Read more...Markets are in a tizzy over the US-China trade row. But what might come next?
Read more...Mark Blyth gives a pithy talk on the economic regimes of the modern period and what is likely to be in store.
Read more...Angus Deaton argues that the present level of inequality is a threat to “democratic capitalism” but contends that historically, even more severe inequality has been reversed.
Read more...How rising temperatures helped create superbug C. auris and may turn other fungi lethal.
Read more...An new working paper by Sebastian Horn, Carmen Reinhart and Christoph Trebesch on China’s foreign lending has some important findings, such as that China accounts for more than 40% of the external debt of 50 developing countries. We’ve embedded the document at the end of this post. The study is an ambitious undertaking, seeking to […]
Read more...Many NGOs around the world are fighting inequality between the rich and the poor, but the bigger NGOs are unwilling to fight policies that keep rich NGOs richer.
Read more...A personal retrospective on the forces driving the rise and decline (and hopeful revival) of unions.