Embedded Internationalism: The Only Way to Fight the Global Oligarchy
Rethinking internationalism as a way to counter the power of a rootless global elite.
Read more...Rethinking internationalism as a way to counter the power of a rootless global elite.
Read more...China’s once-hefty current account surpluses are falling away. What are the implications?
Read more...The World Bank continues its proud tradition of making the world safe for rentiers, um, financiers.
Read more...Today, the divide from which Marine Le Pen profits has reached alarming proportions, most recently with the eruption of the revolt of the gilets jaunes.
Read more...Bill Black uses Tom Friedman’s recognition just this week that Brexit is a mess as the foundation of a detailed takedown of Friedman’s propaganda, um, views.
Read more...Another important day for Brexit, when there is way too much to be decided with the stakes so high
Read more...Western companies that ought to know better are setting themselves up to have their lunch eaten by China.
Read more...The world economy has experienced deglobasation phases before. How this one differs from its predecessors.
Read more...An update by Jomo Kwame Sundaram on how China and the US are faring in their use of trade and development policy to foster growth and project power.
Read more...How China is cuttting into America’s technology advantage, and how the US can respond.
Read more...A report from Colonel Smithers.
Read more...The Thursday Brexit votes put the UK officially at the mercy of the EU.
Read more...Quelle surprise! US trade agreements depend more on the US being a reliable military ally than many like to think.
Read more...Kudos to India for banning plastics waste imports, to focus on solving its own waste management problem. Meanwhile, fossil fuel interests ramp up plans to produce more plastics.
Read more...China wins big in trade in 2018.