Bottled Water, Brought to You by Fracking?
A new reason not to like bottled water.
Read more...A new reason not to like bottled water.
Read more...Trump’s trade threats against China make steel and aluminum tariffs look like a game.
Read more...Trump’s measure raises four issues for the EU: the effect on European industry; how to deter Trump’s broader protectionist thrust; how to use the WTO Dispute System; and, how to prepare for a post-WTO world.
Read more...One way the UK is already losing out from Brexit….the supposedly sought-after drop in immigration is hitting some important sectors.
Read more...Myths and realities concerning the results of the recent Italian elections: who won, who lost, and who simply got it wrong
Read more...Why Trump’s tariffs hit the wrong target.
Read more...A review of some of the permitted counter-moves under WTO rules if Trump imposes tariffs.
Read more...Why what looks like a trade problem is really a financialization problem, and therefore there are much better solutions than using tariffs.
Read more...Is it the beginning of the end for “Investor-State Dispute Settlement” clauses that have undermined democracies, and specifically, labor and environmental protection?
Read more...Trump is threatening to kick off a trade slugfest via tariffs on steel and aluminum. Will he follow through?
Read more...Why has wage growth been lousy in a supposed recovery? Thank your politicians for fostering the growth of the precariat.
Read more...Assume the brace position. A hard Brexit is looking more likely.
Read more...Unfortunately, Corbyn finally stepping into the Brexit fray looks like different cherry picking and potentially even more political upheaval.
Read more...Astonishingly, climate change accords like Kyoto and Paris ignore the impact of trade. That omission means our collective goose is cooked.
Read more...Yet another Groundhog Day in Brexit land…