Solar Import Tariff: Pain Without Benefit
On the not-well-thought-out solar tariff.
Read more...On the not-well-thought-out solar tariff.
Read more...Why the impact of Brexit on Eurostar will literally be a train wreck.
Read more...The UK is going nowhere fast on Brexit, except it is trying even harder than before to blame the EU for its problems.
Read more...Questioning economic orthodoxies on trade.
Read more...How Argentina’s new neoliberal masters are driving the economy back into its old debt crisis ditch.
Read more...A review of money issues…and mainly not bitcoin.
Read more...A granular analysis of which regions will lose most from Brexit.
Read more...The EU is still making a lot of noise to get the UK to begin to hear things the EU has been saying since the morning after the Brexit vote.
Read more...Tech titans like Google and Apple seek to create a “global” regime to prevent developing economies from protecting their companies or data.
Read more...More discussion of the overhyped Brexit “breakthrough” of last Friday.
Read more...Brexit talks are at a complete impasse. That is probably a good thing.
Read more...Trump’s antecedents in Eastern Europe show how widening inequality and failed economic promises pave the way for reactionary politics.
Read more...For Germany, the idea of Europeanism has allowed its elites to conceal their hegemonic project behind the veil of ‘European integration’.
Read more...Brexit talks and Theresa May are in serious trouble.
Read more...Debunking some of the claims of tax “reform” proponents, like that giving companies a tax break to repatriate profits will create jobs.