UK Press Making Optimistic Noises re Big Brexit Hurdle: Breakthrough or Headfake?
Today is the day of a big Brexit deadline. But don’t get your hopes up.
Read more...Today is the day of a big Brexit deadline. But don’t get your hopes up.
Read more...A conservative analysis, incorporating the impact on value chains, estimates the UK will face a 4.7% GDP fall in a hard Brexit scenario.
Read more...The UK finally concedes to reality on one issue. But will it make enough progress on other matters to get EU approval to talk trade?
Read more...Debunks recent news accounts touting fueling power plants with defective fast fashion rather than fossil fuels. Much more is required.
Read more...It’s going to take force to fight climate change and there’s little time to waste. Asking and negotiating won’t do the job.
Read more...How tech titans are using the WTO and trade agreements to further strengthen their dominant positions.
Read more...Yet more sobering Brexit sightings.
Read more...Trump did well in places that have borne the brunt of declines in manufacturing, mining, and related industries since the 1970s.
Read more...Parliamentary testimony on the auto industry lifts another Brexit rock, revealing new creepy crawlies.
Read more...How long will Theresa May serve as a hard Brexiter punching bag?
Read more...Delivering on demand for lower-emissions vessels could be the industry’s most arduous journey of all.
Read more...Climate pacts like the Paris Accord do little because they focus on in-country greenhouse gas emissions, not ones based on consumption.
Read more...More less than encouraging news on the Brexit front.
Read more...Trump’s much ballyhooed China trade deal gives way less than meets the eye.
Read more...European leaders ponder how to defend internationalism. They realize that the response to the crisis created innocent losers. But what now?