Ralph Nader: Real Gaza Death Toll at Least 200,000
Ralph Nader calls out the certain extreme undercount of death in Gaza and why that is convenient for Israel, the US, and Gaza.
Read more...Ralph Nader calls out the certain extreme undercount of death in Gaza and why that is convenient for Israel, the US, and Gaza.
Read more...How some key points on negotiating Medicare drug prices under the Inflation Reduction Act were oddly left open, arguably much too open.
Read more...Independent restaurants are in a world of hurt due to labor cost increases. Yet oddly no one seems willing to cite Long Covid as a contributor.
Read more...Lambert describes how the CDC destructively washes its hands of Covid as IM Doc chronicles how it is relentlessly continuing to harm patients.
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Read more...Pandemic-era have often pitted evidence-based medicine proponents against supporters of more traditional analytical methods.
Read more...The world fiddles while Gaza bleeds.
Read more...The US continues to embrace rolling back progress as Florida greenlights measles by letting infected kids go to school.
Read more...Opioid abuse marches on relentlessly, with little attention to the broader social stresses that make the US such an outlier on this front.
Read more...The coming horror of the loss of privacy and degradation of service via the brave new world of AI administered medicine.
Read more...More on why Medicare Advantage is a criminogenic environment. And private equity has gotten in on the action.
Read more...Increased reliance on GoFundMe for big medical bills (for those that can even raise money) confirms that the US medical system is predatory.