Monopsony in Professional Labor Markets: Hospital System Concentration and Nurse Wage Growth
elle surprise! “Growing consolidation in localized hospital markets appears to restrict nurse wage growth.”
Read more...elle surprise! “Growing consolidation in localized hospital markets appears to restrict nurse wage growth.”
Read more...“Medicare Advantage is a money-making scam. I should know. I helped to sell it.”
Read more...It means higher prices for patients, more unnecessary surgery, and less access to care for patients on Medicaid or those who are uninsured or underinsured.
Read more...Bit by bit, getting a clearer picture of long Covid.
Read more...Looking at the oft superficially discussed population and consumption levers in the climate change debate.
Read more...As the NHS crisis intensifies, a look at how the once esteemed service got there.
Read more...As Covid vaccines underperform and for some groups, present risks, an article in a prominent metical ethics journal calls for mandates to end.
Read more...A recently-passed law is designed to help servicemembers who suffered toxic chemical exposure at Camp Lejune finally get compensation.
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Read more...Decomposing the rise in US healthcare costs. Of course, it’s not much due to more or better care, but higher charges.
Read more...US patients are not the only victims of Big Pharma price gouging.
Read more...A review of 90 government audits reveals that health insurers that issue Medicare Advantage plans have repeatedly tried to sidestep regulations requiring them to document medical conditions the government paid them to treat.
Read more...Needs a rewrite.
Read more...Canada’s assisted death program attracts people living in misery due to lack of support from the state.
Read more...Some anecdotes on not-great care for the aged.