New Biden BA.5 “Plan” Openly Abandons Metrics for Preventing Infection, Butchers Mask and Ventilation Policy
BA.5 plan: Let ‘er rip!
Read more...BA.5 plan: Let ‘er rip!
Read more...The triumph of biological psychiatry has everything to do with the close ties between Big Pharma and academic psychiatry and little to do with compelling scientific evidence.
Read more...Would declaring a public health emergency work as a Biden Administration abortion Hail Mary pass?
Read more...Visibly filmsy “isolation” gowns, OK’d by the CDC for Covid and other infectious disease care, have been found by a new study to be unsafe.
Read more...At a grassroots level, New York advocates have long been helping women where abortion is effectively unavailable. Now, they’re doing even more
Read more...Betty-Jo, who was my deceased mother’s best aide, has been run over by our predatory, for-profit medical system. Please help!
Read more...A primer on how to deal with an American affliction, medical debt.
Read more...To answer the privacy question posed in the headline in a couple of words: not very. Expect a flurry of litigation involving no-choice and pro-choice states and the feds on issues of extraterritoriality, enforcement, and evidence.
Read more...More on how McKinsey has gotten away with murder.
Read more...A useful reminder that the health costs of bad air are more extensive than most people realize. But what to do?
Read more...A layperson’s overview of pain channels and how painkillers interefere with them.
Read more...An energy upgrade to your house will often produce other bennies!
Read more...The campaign to admnister Covid vaccines to under five year olds is not going over well with quite a few medical professionals.
Read more...CalPERS is having employees service the egos of managers by coming to the office rather than protecting them from Covid by teleworking.
Read more...Yves here. This using Nigeria as a forecast for the US is hyperbolic, since even if Roe v. Wade is overruled or narrowed, it then becomes a states-rights matter, and quite a few states will allow for abortions and many are likely to strengthen their laws. Moreover, laws by states to criminalize abortions and facilitating […]