Category Archives: Hedge funds

A Win in Long-Running Kentucky Retirement Systems Pension Case: Attorney General Thwarted in Scheme to Settle Claims Against KKR and Blackstone on the Cheap

In a step forward for long-suffering Kentucky Retirement Systems (now Kentucky Public Pension Authority) beneficiaries, attorneys for so-called Tier 3 Plaintiffs beat back a scheme by Attorney General Russell Coleman to settle claims against private equity kingpins KKR and Blackstone on the cheap…oh, and completely drop claims against their top partners, here the famed Henry […]


New Filing Details How Crooked Attorney Ann Oldfather and Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman Conspired to Sell Out Underwater Pension Funds and Taxpayers to the Tune of Hundreds of Millions, Even >$1 Billion, in Lost Recoveries

As more legal filings and reviews show, Ann Oldfather and Attorney General Russell Cameron are shafting Kentucky taxpayers for their benefit


More Kentucky Dirty Dealings: Attorney General Schemes to Leave Hundreds of Millions in Pension Recovery on the Table, Give Sweetheart Payout to Attorneys, To Settle Claims Against Private Equity Kingpins KKR and Blackstone, Including Ones by Plaintiffs the AG Does Not Represent

A new legal low: the Kentucky Attorney General wants to gift the pension fund’s money to KKR and Blackstone to settle claims against them.


Could Chinese Control Over Strategic Minerals Coupled with US Corruption Cripple the Sputtering US War Machine? 

China tightens its grip on materials necessary for US military and its proxies as Washington turns to those who squandered American advantages to fix the problem — or profit from it. 


Game Finally On! Judge Denies Key Motions to Dismiss in Kentucky Retirement Systems Litigation, Subjecting KKR, Blackstone, PAAMCO, and Top Financiers Henry Kravis, George Roberts, Steve Schwarzman, and Tomlinson Hill to Discovery

The much-delayed Kentucky Retirement System cases are finally moving forward, causing heartburn to some top names on Wall Street.