Category Archives: Hedge funds

Volcker Rule: Dead on Arrival? And is Obama a Lame Duck?

We’ve argued that the “Volcker Rule,” which would limit “proprietary trading” by banks, is in theory a very good idea, but the proposal put forward by Volcker/Team Obama goes wide of the mark by defining any customer trade as not being part of proprietary trading. That’s a spurious distinction; large-scale position-taking well beyond what was […]


Quelle Surprise! Proposed Restrictions on Proprietary Trading are a Joke

True to form, the White House set forth a sketchy program to limit the proprietary trading activities of banks, and it is a vote for the status quo which is being tarted up as something else. I’m amazed that someone of Volcker’s stature is allowing himself to serve as the branding for ideas that are […]


Obama to Propose Rules to Restrict Proprietary Trading

Bloomberg reports that Obama will announce provisions to limit the proprietary trading activities of banks. This all sounds well and good, in fact, I’ve advocated prohibiting prop trading (you’d need pretty active monitoring of overnight positions to make sure it has not simply been moved back to order flow desks). It is not a socially […]


Guest Post: Recent Lehman MD Reviews “The Murder of Lehman Brothers”

By Arthur Doyle, a former managing director of Lehman Brothers who now manages a hedge fund. I didn’t come to Joseph Tibman’s The Murder of Lehman Brothers expecting a blow-by-blow insider’s account of the financial meltdown of 2008. That ground has been covered adequately by, among others, Andrew Ross Sorkin in Too Big To Fail. […]


Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Apocalypse 2010

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is nothing if not decisive in his views, and has a undisguised fondness for the bearish perspective. But he was correct on the 2008 inflation/commodities headfake, saying repeatedly that deflationary forces would prevail when that was decidedly a minority view. He is also a Euro-skeptic, and I’m less comfortable with that position. The […]


Bank of England Calls Bluff of Bankers Who Threaten to Depart UK to Avoid Taxes

The UK is providing a lesson the US badly needs to learn, that push comes to shove, regulators hold the whip, and have to be willing to use it when necessary. Given how intransigent the financial services industry has become, the time for discipline has come. Maybe some of them even want it secretly…. In […]


Volcker: Little Evidence Financial Innovation Has Helped Economy

Tall Paul is my hero. I would go further than he did in a speech in Sussex. The case can made that financial innovation of the OTC derivatives variety, which has mushroomed from 1992 onward, has been at best a wealth transfer device from the real economy to the financial economy, and has probably exacted […]


“Administration Considering Additional Subsidies and Tax Breaks”

By Augustus Melmotte, who lives and works in Hedgistan. The administration is examining strategies for encouraging the ownership of fluffy kittens. “I think we can all agree,” the president said, “that in troubled times stroking a fluffy kitten can really help a struggling family to stay on course.” The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has calculated […]


Macro Hedge Funds Betting Against Recovery Story

Note that while this Bloomberg story discusses that some major hedge funds are skeptical of the theory that the recovery is on, for the most part, it is silent on how they are implementing that view. Recall that even if a trader does make a correct fundamental call, investing successfully on it is another matter. […]


Goldman Gives Preferred Clients Stock Trading Tips Early, Defends Practice

Ooh, so there is gambling in Casablanca! I’m shocked, shocked! An excellent bit of sleuthing comes at the Wall Street Journal, on how Goldman has for the last two years has had “trading huddles” that lead to ideas being presented to clients before analysts changed their grades on a stock. Proprietary traders also attend the […]


Hedge Funds Cutting Fees

I recall in the mid 1980s when people who should have known better (McKinsey consultants and analysts covering the banking industry) were adamant that banks would never cut their fees or interest rate charges (19.8%) on credit cards. I remember thinking of the confidence over credit card pricing every time experts insisted that hedge funds […]