Category Archives: Hedge funds

Gillian Tett: "Where is Gordon Gekko when you really need him?"???

Full disclosure: I am normally a fan of the Financial Times’ Gillian Tett, but her latest piece reveals she has been co-opted by the industry she covers. While there are matters of substance I take issue with (we’ll get to those soon), the whopper is the positioning. How can Tett possibly depict Gordon Gekko as […]


Duh, Hedge Funds Bought AIG Credit Default Swaps Too

The Wall Street Journal tells us tonight something that is pretty obvious: hedge funds were often buyers of AIG credit default swaps, either directly, or indirectly, by purchasing structured products that had AIG guarantees, such as collateralized debt obligations. While this report falls in the camp of peeling away yet another layer of AIG’s practices, […]


John Paulson Attacks Fellow Hedge Funds for Restricting Redemptions (and Implications for Banks)

This is starting to get interesting. Readers may recall that a fair number of hedge funds have restricted or barred redemptions (a classic example of “possession is 9/10 of the law” since it is contrary to the redemption policies in their investment agreements). The justification goes something like this: We the fund hold liquid and […]


Senate Wants SEC to Regulate Hedge Funds

Be careful what you wish for. The SEC regulated investment banks, and look what happened to that industry, Similarly, Madoff was registered, had a written roadmap from Harry Markopolos in terms of the issues that merited investigation, and did nothing. Without a serious change in priorities (and likely an upgrade in staff skills) at the […]


Poor Old Hedgies Face More Rough Sailing

It is hard to work up much sympathy for newly-less-well-off hedge fund managers, given how rich the good times were. Nevertheless, they face continued pressure from redemptions, and (for most) high water mark provisions mean that they will probably get no or little in the way of upside fees (the 20 of the “2 and […]


Your Humble Blogger Dodged the Madoff Bullet!

L’affaire Madoff continues to garner front-page coverage. Yet I find the stories peculiarly unsatisfying, since they are peeling the onion one layer at a time, failing to answer the questions I find most interesting: was his fund ever a legitimate operation, or was it a con from the beginning? And where did the money go? […]


The Fed Has Become a Prime Broker, Will Lend to Hedge Funds Under Consumer Loan Program

So where is my bailout? Now even hedge funds can borrow super cheap if they invest in securitized consumer loans. Really, the Fed is going about this all wrong. Why let hedge fund have all the fun? Private citizens have perilous little to show for all the kazillions thrown at the financial system. The Fed […]


Hedge Funds Investors Withdraw Record $40 Billion in October

The Financial Times reports that hedge fund withdrawals reached unprecedented levels in October (and remember, some funds barred or limited redemptions). With the markets continuing to be very difficult and October results nearly as bad as September, more investor exits are clearly in the offing. One bit of good news: enough funds are heavily in […]