Category Archives: Hedge funds

More Global Alpha, Hedge Fund Woes

November was a bad month for the hedge fund industry. A Bloomberg story reports on further losses at quant funds Global Alpha and AQR, as well as declines at non-quant funds: Hedge funds run by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and AQR Capital Management LLC fell in November as swings in financial markets confounded the computer-driven […]


Quant Fund AQR Down 5.8% in November

November was a bad month for the hedge fund industry, although most reports indicate the pain was distributed more broadly than in August (readers may recall the quants took some stunning losses that month). The New York Post reports that one of the once-highly-regarded quant funds, ex-Goldman Cliff Asness’ AQR, continues to have a bad […]


Loss Implications of E*Trade’s Mark to Market

Many commentators on the bailout of E*Trade by hedge fund Citadel focused on either the terms of the deal (costly to E*Trade) or the fact that Citadel, like some other risk-minded investors, are starting to pick and choose among distressed mortgage assets, a sign they believe that the bottom is nigh. But a Reuters story, […]


Some European Quants Down 15% in November

Quants take it on the chin again. This time, the miscue was a wrong-footed bet on stock price appreciation. From Bloomberg: Some European quantitative funds that bet on rising stock prices may have lost 15 percent this month as equity markets declined, according to strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. Fund managers using mathematical formulas […]


Goldman’s Global Alpha Assets May Fall 60% by Year End

Goldman’s high profile and formerly highly successful quantitative hedge fund, Global Alpha, was one of the biggest casualties of turbulent markets in August, shedding 22.5% of its value. The firm orchestrated a shorting up of another one of its quant hedge funds (Global Equity Opportunities), putting in $2 billion of new Goldman money and raising […]


It Isn’t Over Till the Fat Lady Sings (Bear Hedge Fund Edition)

Did you think the Bear Stearns hedge fund drama of the summer was over? We may see a low-budget sequel. The Financial Times reports that aggrieved shareholders of one of the failed Bear funds, High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage (Overseas), have assumed control. US based investors get to vote on Friday (no guess as […]


IRS Investigating Hedge Funds and Private Equity Firms

The IRS is turning up the spotlight on hedge funds and private equity firms. It appears that some may have been taken what might politely be called overly aggressive tax positions. It’s going to be pretty hard for these captains of capitalism to convince the public that they need to keep their favorable tax treatment […]


More Doubts About Hedge Fund Performance

Hedge funds charge vastly higher fees than other money managers because they allegedly deliver better investment returns. Yet when you look at most hedge fund indices, they don’t look much better, and are sometimes worse than simple long-only strategies. And remember these indices almost certainly overstate performance, since they exhibit what is called “survivorship bias.” […]


The Journal Tells Us Now That Hedge Funds Shop for Valuations?

The Journal is breathtaking in its propensity to sell stories past their sell-by date as news. The latest example is an article, “Pricing Tactics of Hedge Funds Under Spotlight,” that will appear in the Tuesday “Heard on the Street.” Here’s the opening paragraph: New academic research suggests that some hedge-fund managers may cherry-pick flattering prices […]


Robert Kuttner: Congressional Testimony on Parallels to 1920s

It’s revealing that Robert Kuttner’s hard hitting, cogent testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services (hat tip Culture of Life News) has gotten very little attention in the media and the blogsphere. Perhaps it’s because Kuttner, an economist and former investigator for the Senate Banking Committee, argues persuasively that the strong ideological bias against […]