Category Archives: Hedge funds

Carry Trade Unwinding Worsening Market Upheaval

The Wall Street Journal discussed the role of the carry trade in Thursday’s issue, quoted below, and Friday’s Financial Times, pointing to overnight trading in Tokyo, says the situation is worsening. The Economist and other financial publications have commented on the magnitude and risks of the carry trade, and how disruptive it could be if […]


Buffet Takes Swipe at Hedge Funds, Risk Management, and CEO Pay

Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report is out, and with it, Warren Buffet’s famous letter to shareholders. I took a quick look, and found the Financial Times’ take on the main points (“Buffet attacks hedge fund fees“) is as good as anything I could say: Warren Buffett, the world’s second-richest person, on Thursday stepped up his criticism […]


FT: Hedge Fund Activism Benefits Shareholders

Funny how one man’s shareholder activism is another man’s shareholder democracy. As we’ve discussed, and as is probably evident to any reader of the Wall Street Journal, the corporate establishment has long been demonizing shareholder activists (ah, those long haired rebels!) of all sorts. Before, the Business Roundtable and the Chamber of Commerce lambasted environmental […]


"Carry on Living Dangerously"

An informative article in the current Economist on the dangers and economic distortion created by the carry trade, a topic we’ve discussed. On a massive scale, investors, typically hedge funds, are borrowing in yen, a currency with very low borrowing costs, and investing in currencies where the interest rates are high, like the New Zealand […]


The Beginning of the End (Part 2)

No, we don’t mean the end of the world, but the end of this credit cycle. An aside: forgive us if you found some of our posts last week sketchier than usual. We’re at a location with very erratic broadband, which makes it hard to get anything Internet-related done efficiently. We’ve run a few comments […]


This is the Way the World Ends (Hedge Fund Edition)

A gloomy but all-too-plausible scenario from Stefan-Michael Staimann and Susanne Knips of Dresdner Kleinwort regarding how the current hedge fund boom might (in their view, will) lead to a nasty bust they call “The Great Unwind.” Their core observation is that, despite their apparent diversity, many hedge funds strategies are similar at their core: they […]


Pan-Regulatory Effort on Hedge Fund Exposures

The Financial Times, as is often the case, carried a story on hedge fund risks that was not covered in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times. Titled “Regulators concerned at hedge fund collateral,” it discusses how an international group of financial regulators is working with some of the biggest Wall Street firms […]


From Davos: Globalization Depends on Reducing Income Inequality

A host of star-quality economists made a forceful case at Davos that governments in advanced economies need to reduce income inequalty; otherwise there will be a backlash against globalization. They also took a swipe at the dangers posed by hedge funds and excessive leverage. As cogent as their arguments are, they cross an ideological fault […]


Gerson Lehrman Getting its Wings Clipped?

What’s amazing isn’t that Gerson Lehrman is under scrutiny, but that it has taken so long to happen. From today’s Wall Street Journal: In recent weeks, the New York Attorney General’s office has begun examining whether employees of companies including Best Buy Co. may have inappropriately discussed material nonpublic information in consulting arrangements like these […]