Neoliberalism Is Dying – Now We Must Replace It
From taming Big Tech to competing with China, Western governments are retreatig from neoliberalism. But what comes next?
Read more...From taming Big Tech to competing with China, Western governments are retreatig from neoliberalism. But what comes next?
Read more...Tens of thousands dead and the Sacklers get to ride away with their Purdue Pharma loot.
Read more...Soros has a hissy over China’s Xi no longer wanting to play nicely with foreign investors.
Read more...On how imperialism enabled exploitation of labor in the global South, and then pressure on worker wages in advanced economies.
Read more...How much should Californians worry that Larry Elder, a politically inexperienced, hard core right winger, might become governor?
Read more...Yves here. This is the second section of the GPENewdoc historical series on imperialism and capitalism. You can find Part 1 here. By Lynn Fries. Originally published at GPENewsdocs Prabhat Patnaik explains how the colonial system led to depression. Then, in advanced countries governments stepped in to increase demand and productivity, but how unless the […]
Read more...Prabhat Patnaik on imperialism and capitalism: to accumulate wealth, somewhere demand must be suppressed to provide cheap inputs.
Read more...Commemorating a desructive anniversary, that of the Powell memo that set forth how big business would wage war against ordinary citizens.
Read more...The Great Reset is a planned corporate takeover of global governance that affects our food, our data and our vaccines.
Read more...Labor exploitation, higher education edition.
Read more...I am very much saddened by the death of Michael M. Thomas, from old money and high finance, and vocally unimpressed by them.
Read more...An update on the already desperate and worsening state of the market for renters in the US.
Read more...Why Elon Musk, despite having built significant operating companies, is still mainly in the bezzle business.
Read more...Nurses get a lot of lip service, but not enough pay or respect, and that contrasted with Covid risks has led to many quitting.
Read more...Mining various studies on pandemic interventions to see which look most effective.