The Best Policies to Fight Pandemics: Five Lessons from the Literature So Far
Mining various studies on pandemic interventions to see which look most effective.
Read more...Mining various studies on pandemic interventions to see which look most effective.
Read more...A new angle on why workers lose out as globalization increases.
Read more...A data analysis disproves the liberal myth that the Tuskegee experiment is why black vaccination rates lag, as opposed to (gah!) class.
Read more...Central banks in developing countries must use monetary policy to enhance fiscal space and support relief, recovery and transformation.
Read more...More voters recognize that the Democrats will do squat about expanded health coverage like Medicare for All unless they feel some heat
Read more...The campaign to raise the hourly wage to $15 has been racking up successes, even if the press doesn’t much take notice.
Read more...Railroads are finding it difficult to hire workers and their labor shortfall has prevented them from meeting transportation demand
Read more...The Gates Foundation and the WEF are steamrolling normal UN processes as part of a campaign to discredit sound agroecology practices.
Read more...Yves here. Two things about increased automation frost me. One is its stealth or main purpose as forcing planned obsolescence. So irrespective of the impact on job/labor content, any savings won’t necessarily accrue to users. Two is automation/AI serving as an excuse to shift costs and tasks onto consumers. How many times do customer service […]
Read more...Feds weigh in on Purdue bankruptcy plan, raising possibility that Sacklers won’t get off more or less scot-free for their role in the opioids crisis.
Read more...How Haiti is a fiefdom for gangs and foreigners pilfering the country’s natural resources.
Read more...Biden goes after non-compete agreements….but will this effort make a difference?
Read more...The latest Robinhood campaign is more raspberry than rah rah.
Read more...Tiny Payday Report does the Bureau of Labor Statistics to shame in tracking strikes in 2020. What gives?
Read more...Michael Hudson gives another wide-ranging, tour de force interview. Enjoy!