One Issue Proved Key to the Opposition’s Stunning Success in India’s Election: Caste Politics
Did Modi’s BJP suffer a setback due to failing to provide enough economic benefits to lower-caste voters?
Read more...Did Modi’s BJP suffer a setback due to failing to provide enough economic benefits to lower-caste voters?
Read more...An assessment of how far BRICS has gotten in creating new monetary arrangements and institutions. The short version is “not very”.
Read more...How the World Bank’s IFC and others development banks supported KFC’s world conquest by backing its factory farms.
Read more...Some struggles can be kept nonviolent, but decolonization never has been—certainly not in India.
Read more...What does BRICS want to be when it grows up?
Read more...How to increase development of pharmaceuticals to treat tropical diseases, which afflict millions yet are neglected?
Read more...Efforts to crush the Russian diamond trade come when the industry is under duress. Why might the comparatively small Russian exports survive?
Read more...Foreign Affiars recycles a 75-year-old strategy from George Kennan that no longer fits the geopolitical realities of the world in 2024.
Read more...Even as the West is in crisis and prepares to turn its back on Ukraine it helped destroy, Armenian leaders see that and say “I want in.”
Read more...The upcoming WTO is likely to see a power struggle between its traditional advanced economy leaders and the so-called Global Majority.
Read more...Even a US propaganda organ is having to take notice of how China is taking advantage of US policy failures, particularly in the Global South.
Read more...Michael Hudson pulls out his crystal ball to forecast what might be in store for 2024.
Read more...India makes a bold claim about spillover benefits from having ignored Western sanctions on Russian oil.
Read more...A look at Russia’s maritime trade corridors as Western efforts to isolate Moscow continue to backfire in spectacular fashion.
Read more...As the Red Sea has become a new hot spot, more countries are sending warships to prevent mischief…potentially not just from the Houthis.