As US Markets Look a Bit Wobbly, the Press Looks for the Next Crisis in the Rear View Mirror
The Wall Street Journal worried about the giddy mood at the annual structured industry conference. But is where to look for the next crisis?
Read more...The Wall Street Journal worried about the giddy mood at the annual structured industry conference. But is where to look for the next crisis?
Read more...We warned that crypto was closely aligned with criminal activity. The open grift of the new “strategic” Trump fund proves that case.
Read more...How did Uber achieved a $8 billion P&L improvement after losing $33 billion in its first 13 years? Misleading accounting plays a big role.
Read more...An otherwise informative post about the extent and hazards of infrastructure sales misses who the real bad actors are.
Read more...In a step forward for long-suffering Kentucky Retirement Systems (now Kentucky Public Pension Authority) beneficiaries, attorneys for so-called Tier 3 Plaintiffs beat back a scheme by Attorney General Russell Coleman to settle claims against private equity kingpins KKR and Blackstone on the cheap…oh, and completely drop claims against their top partners, here the famed Henry […]
Read more...As more legal filings and reviews show, Ann Oldfather and Attorney General Russell Cameron are shafting Kentucky taxpayers for their benefit
Read more...How shareholder activism, which once helped check self-serving managements, has become the province of hedge fund extortionists.
Read more...A new legal low: the Kentucky Attorney General wants to gift the pension fund’s money to KKR and Blackstone to settle claims against them.
Read more...A new story on the financial tsuris at even the most elite universities underplays how they’ve made poor investment choices for many years.
Read more...The post-2020 bull markets in stocks and crypto + seductive trading apps have produced a big increase in gambling addiction.
Read more...The long-running Kentucky Retirement Systems case is clearing the remaining obstacles to getting to discovery.
Read more...More and more private equity and private credit deals are looking over-extended. How bad might things get?
Read more...An update on two cases, one against Barclays, the other Bayer executives and directors, which seek accountability in New York courts.
Read more...As the Fed unloads Treasuries, others are purchasing them…including foreign central banks.