How China Is Offering an Alternative to the IMF
China has been setting up currency swap lines with many countries. But is this an idea that is ahead of its time?
Read more...China has been setting up currency swap lines with many countries. But is this an idea that is ahead of its time?
Read more...China and the US are doing an awful lot of chest-poking, and if anything, it’s getting worse under Biden. Could this sparring lead to war?
Read more...A falloff in baby production has capitalists very worried.
Read more...Restrictions to shipping due to military sanctions could have large negative effects on economic welfare for countries all over the world, including oil exporters such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia
Read more...Little Brexit motion and less progress as the clock runs.
Read more...A mysterious course change, a birthday party, oil on the beaches, and a billion dollars in compensation (maybe).
Read more...In 1939, Roosevelt decried targeting civilians as “inhuman barbarism”. In 1945, the U.S. firebombed Japanese cities and dropped nuclear bombs.
Read more...Things have changed very little on the Brexit front, which is not good.
Read more...An ugly take on the coronavirus.
Read more...US reactions to Chinese competitive threats are an awful lot like the ones to Japan of the 1980s, but the US now has a lot less leverage.
Read more...Exports by China, Japan, and Eurozone under pressure — in part because of globally weak demand for new vehicles, which transcends the trade war.
Read more...In case you had any doubts, Japan is not following MMT economic policy prescriptions.
Read more...Jomo Kwame Sundaram makes the case against the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade agreement that went into effect at the end of 2018, for six of its eleven member countries.
Read more...Although recycling is far from a viable solution to the world’s plastic problem, even these inadequate efforts are lacking, as press accounts from last week of corruption in the UK recycling industry, and Japan’s lag in implementing even the limited plastic reduction measures undertaken elsewhere reveal.
Read more...The first set of of four negotiating sessions to produce a UN treaty on the high seas by 2020 concluded last week in New York; this would extend the existing law of the sea framework beyond each nation’s territorial waters.